Second Death (a film by Nairy AbdElShafy)

Second Death

by Nairy AbdElShafy

The video was created as a final project for the Fall 2018 class: Toward a Multimedia Practice: Oral History and Storytelling Workshop. It is based on an online oral history interview conducted by Nairy AbdElShafy (New York, U.S.A) with Omar Fahmy (Alexandria, Egypt) on October 8th, 2018. 

The interview explores the unique relationship between Omar and his grandfather and the house they had lived in together, that was later demolished after his grandfather passed away.



Nairy AbdElShafy is an enthusiastic social activist with a passion for community service and social work. An Egyptian Fulbright Scholar to the OHMA program, she draws from her experience to document movement and transition narratives for social change. She has worked and volunteered on non- formal education, self expression and intercultural learning with children, youth, adults and refugee communities for over ten years and has worked on documenting narratives of identity and movement with Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Cairo, New Damietta and Port Said, and Nubians’ reflections on displacement in Aswan. She appreciates food, enjoys travel and believes one has to be laid back to be able to take on life and take in its beauty.